Assessment Requests

Don't see an Assessment in our library? Just ask! 😃

Mona Barman avatar
Written by Mona Barman
Updated over a week ago

Blueprint houses numerous Assessments that measure a variety of constructs ranging from DSM-5 diagnoses to therapeutic alliance and quality of life. If you don’t see an Assessment in our library that you would like to use, let us know and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

Important Notes

  • By default, Blueprint allows up to three custom measures per clinic/organization (certain exceptions apply). If you are a part of a clinic/organization that uses Blueprint and would like to make an assessment request, please first consult with your clinic director/supervisor and have them submit the request.

Blueprint’s considerations for adding an Assessment:

  1. Copyright/Permissions - Assessments must be in the public domain and freely available for use by all, or Blueprint must have permissions to upload the Assessment onto the platform for clinician use.

  2. Fees - Assessments requested must be free of charge to be built into Blueprint. Certain exceptions may apply.

  3. Format - Currently, Blueprint’s platform only accommodates Assessments which have Likert scale type responses (no free text, no skip logic).

  4. Scoring - Currently, Blueprint’s platform provides scoring and interpretations for additive total scores and subscale scores. It also can accommodate scoring for reverse coded items as well as mean scores; however, the platform cannot compute more complex scoring and interpretation.

  5. Empirical Support and Brevity - Assessments should be empirically supported with good reliability and validity, and brief in length.

  6. Change Over Time - Ideally, Assessments should be sensitive to change to allow for measuring progress over time with repeated administration.

How to request we add an Assessment to Blueprint

To request we add an Assessment to Blueprint reach out to our Customer Support team via email at or use the help messenger in the lower right corner. In your message, please include:

  • The name of the Assessment

  • Its author(s)

  • A PDF copy of the Assessment or a link

Your message will be forwarded to our Clinical Operations team for review on the considerations listed above. If the above criteria are not met and we cannot add the Assessment, our team will be happy to work with you on identifying Assessments in our library that measure similar constructs. We are here for you!

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